The brain's neural network
Historical Perspective
The history of artificial neural networks can be traced back to 1943, when Walter Pitts and Warren McCulloch introduced the perceptron. This early model was designed to mimic a single nerve cell, functioning as a simple summator and comparator. It receives inputs, multiplies them by coefficients (weights), sums these products, and compares the result to a threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, the perceptron outputs a 1. By interconnecting many such perceptrons, a neural network is created, capable of complex computations by adjusting input weights.
Divergence from Biological Neurons
However, the fields of machine learning and neurobiology soon diverged. While the term "neuron" persisted in both domains, people began to believe that biological neurons functioned like their perceptron counterparts. This belief, though, is misleading. Biological neurons exhibit a much higher degree of computational complexity, which we'll explore by examining the biology of neural computations.
Basic Neuronal Anatomy
A typical neuron consists of dendrites, a soma (cell body), and an axon. Neurons are electrically excitable, capable of generating electrical pulses (action potentials) to communicate with other neurons. This communication is facilitated by the movement of ions (such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium) across the neuron's membrane.
Ion Channels and Membrane Potential
The flow of ions is regulated by specialized proteins forming channels in the neuron's membrane, controlling the membrane voltage. Voltage-gated channels, which open and close based on membrane potential, play a crucial role in action potential generation. When an action potential is triggered at the axon's origin, a wave of sodium channels opens in a positive feedback loop, transmitting the signal along the axon to other neurons.
The Myth of Passive Dendrites
Dendrites, initially thought to be passive receivers of information, are actually active computational units. While they do possess passive ion channels that give them leaky properties, dendrites are equipped with a multitude of voltage-gated ion channels. These channels do not just passively transmit signals but also actively compute and process incoming information.
Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels and Backpropagation
Dendrites contain voltage-gated sodium channels, allowing action potentials to travel in reverse (backpropagation) and influence post-synaptic sites. This backpropagation is crucial for synaptic plasticity, which adjusts the weights of inputs. Fast sodium channels in dendrites can also generate small action potentials, amplifying synaptic inputs.
NMDA Receptors and Non-Linear Integration
NMDA receptors, another type of ion channel, require both membrane depolarization and neurotransmitter presence to open. Acting as coincidence detectors, these channels enable the dendritic tree to perform non-linear integration of incoming information. This allows single neurons to discriminate the order of incoming action potentials, process temporal patterns, and generate sequence-selective outputs.
Dendritic Spikes and Their Implications
Recent studies reveal that certain neurons, particularly pyramidal neurons in the human cortex, are capable of computations previously thought to require multi-layered neural networks. Dendritic spikes, which have been observed in human cortical neurons, are highly selective to specific input strengths. These spikes enable dendrites to perform the exclusive OR (XOR) operation—a linearly non-separable function—hitherto believed to necessitate a complex network.
Bitwise Operations and Logic Gates
Computers perform computations on binary data using bitwise operations and logic gates, such as AND, OR, and XOR gates. While AND and OR operations can be performed by perceptrons due to their linear separability, XOR requires a multi-layered network because it is linearly non-separable.
Pyramidal Neurons and XOR Computations
Human pyramidal neurons can perform XOR computations at the dendritic level. When a dendrite receives optimal input strength, it triggers a calcium spike that propagates to the soma, initiating an action potential. If the input is either too weak or too strong, no spike occurs. This computational capability at the single-neuron level is a groundbreaking discovery.
Biophysically Realistic Models
To understand the computational power of neurons, researchers created detailed biophysical models of cortical neurons. These models, populated with differential equations describing ion channel dynamics and membrane voltage, were compared to deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained to mimic the neuron's input-output relationship.
Deep CNNs Mimicking Neurons
It was found that accurately predicting the output of a single cortical neuron required a deep CNN with 5 to 8 layers. Removing NMDA channels from the model reduced this complexity, underscoring the importance of dendritic non-linearities. Interestingly, the deep CNN, trained on random inputs, generalized well to new patterns, capturing the neuron's biophysical properties without explicit instructions.
Promising Synergy
The sophistication of single neurons as computational units calls for integrating findings from modern neuroscience with deep learning. Single cortical neurons with their non-linear dendritic integration properties are comparable to multi-layered CNNs, suggesting immense computational power at the cellular level.
Practical Implications
Modeling individual neurons using deep learning offers practical advantages. Deep CNNs are significantly faster than detailed biophysical models, facilitating efficient simulations of cortical computations. This synthesis of ideas could revolutionize our understanding of brain function and improve artificial neural network design.
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